Hi there!
Welcome to TravelAgentDiary.com, a blog designed for 3 purposes:
- To share my career experiences as a travel agent for any prospective agents in the field
- To share my travel experiences (tips & advice) as well as my clients’ travel experiences
- To help hoteliers and tour operators promote their business by visiting their property, tours, and getting familiar with what they have to offer so I can intelligently sell it to my clients. If you’d like to work together click here.
**Site disclosure: If you click on an affiliate link on this site, I will earn a commission from the sale.
My name is Cassandra “Cassie” Chichester and I am a Global Travel Agent for a company called L+S Vacations, which has been in business for over 30 years. Although I am located in the Richmond, VA area, I accept clients from all over the globe. Deciding to leave my career in advertising at The Martin Agency, my “dream job” was not the easiest decision I had ever made but a serious case of wanderlust and travel bug brought me to my journey here in travel. Getting paid to create travel itineraries and search for the lowest prices for travelers? Something I already love doing (and did for free part time)? Could life be more perfect?
If you have any upcoming trips you would like me to price out for you, please don’t hesitate to email me here. I’ll try my best to respond within 24 hours. My service is completely FREE to you. I get paid a commission through the wholesale vendors I work with. No trip is too large or too small, I will happily help you.
I am a member of, and my credentials/associations include: